সত্যিই বিশ্বের সবচেয়ে বড় ভিডিও শেয়ারিং সাইট YouTube থেকেও আপনি আয় করতে পারবেন অনেক বড় অংকের টাকা। করা যায় এরকম কথা শুনেন নি এই ধরণের লোক বর্তমানে পাওয়া অনেকটা কষ্টকর হয়ে পড়েছে। আর এই ব্লগেতো পাওয়ার কথাই না।অনলাইনে আয়ের হাজার হাজার পদ্ধতির মধ্যে একটি পদ্ধতি আছে যা অনেকেরই জানা নাই। আর তা হল- YouTube ভিডিও এর মাধ্যমে আয়।
আপনারা হয়তো ভাবছেন আমি মসকরা করছি। কিন্তু এটা কোন মসকরা নয়।নিচে আমি কয়েকজন ব্যাক্তির নাম ও তাদের আয়ের পরিমান উল্লেখ করলাম-
অনলাইনে টাকা আয়আপনারা হয়তো ভাবছেন আমি মসকরা করছি। কিন্তু এটা কোন মসকরা নয়।নিচে আমি কয়েকজন ব্যাক্তির নাম ও তাদের আয়ের পরিমান উল্লেখ করলাম-
1. Shane Dawson (431 million views and earn $315,000)
2. The Annoying Orange (349 mil views and earn $288,000)
3. Philip DeFranco (248 mil views and earn $181,000)
4. Ryan Higa (206 mil views and earn $151,000)
5. Fred (200 mil views and earn $146,000)
কিভাবে আয় করবেন?
2. The Annoying Orange (349 mil views and earn $288,000)
3. Philip DeFranco (248 mil views and earn $181,000)
4. Ryan Higa (206 mil views and earn $151,000)
5. Fred (200 mil views and earn $146,000)
কিভাবে আয় করবেন?
Google finally caught on. Simply buying thousands of social bookmarks and twitter followers isn’t working to help increase site ranking like before. However, spreading your site across a variety of social mediums can help your site authority as well as gain natural traffic. Since social media has become an vital part of today’s information sharing, creating pages across multiple platforms can boost outreach to all corners of the web.
With a litany of tools and software floating around on the internet, checking your SEO process can seem a bit daunting. It should be noted that there is no single SEO took that can 100% accurately represent the search engine algorithms; therefore, any automated SEO took used can only provide basic information about how your site is performing. While I’m not discouraging the use of these SEO tools, I am simply presenting a list of options to manually check and track your SEO efforts. My hope is to show you the steps you can take to improve your site’s search engine visibly, usability, and positioning. Don’t miss out any any key aspect – these tips will allow you to put in place a process to systematically go through and check your site.
SEO for Small Business
People often think that SEO for small business is impossible, you need to make sure you do proper small business seo to help grow your company. Not only will it bring more attention to your website, it can let you overpower your competition and dominate the business world. If your business is struggling to gain popularity, implementing affordable small business SEO services will give your site the attention and sales it needs.SEO is key for any website. Grabbing top rankings in Google is essential for seeing profits and bringing traffic to your website. SEO for WordPress websites and blogs is often much easier than trying to optimize a website of other stature. WordPress has a lot of things going for it. Having the ability to upload content quickly and efficiently is huge in the game of SEO. But how do you optimize the most efficiently for WordPress and other blog websites?
While WordPress is extremely popular, their is a clear distinction between the two services.
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